A handbook for Dreamers - come build with us, play with us, grow with us.
Welcome to the Traditional Dream Factory
A playground for living and creating together, and a regenerative living & creation collective based in Alentejo, Portugal.
Traditional Dream Factory is the first village in the Oasa network - a network of co-owned regenerative villages on a mission to acquire 100k hectars of land to regenerate.
TDF is the first prototype - a village being built by Dreamers of different origins: engineers, artists, permaculturists, scientists, innovators, nomads.
Come build with us, play with us, grow with us.
About this Handbook
This handbook aims to provide you with a clear overview of how TDF functions and how you could get involved.
Note: TDF is evolving fast. If you notice that something is missing or out of date, reach out to our Documentation Steward or make a suggestion directly in our github repo.
For more detailed information check out our Pink Paper.
If you'd like to get updates from us, we invite you to join our OASA Newsletter.
You can also follow us on twitter, instagram, and telegram.
Tell us about your dream: traditionaldreamfactory {at} gmail {dot} com
All the content on this site is published with a CC-BY-SA license. So please use it however you like without asking permission: just give credit, and use the same license for derivative works.
Last updated