Circles 🔘
How to get involved in steering TDF ⛵️
Circles are decentralised groups of Members who take responsibility for a certain domain. Circles work together with the team of Stewards on the ground to implement the Masterplan, as shown on the graph below:
At the moment TDF includes the following circles:
Land & Permaculture
Members step into the circle for a period of 3.5 months, aligned with the StewardSHEEP. Circles are expected to suggest a proposal for the roadmap of their cycle including projects they want to execute and token allocation. Each circle (as well as TDF Stewards) selects a delegate. Delegates coordinate activities between circles within the Coordination Circle.
Members contributing their energy within a Circle get compensated with tokens.
For more information about each Circle and how to join, please consult our Pink Paper.
You can view our current
Sobol Board- visualises roles within circles
Last updated